Famous Men of the Middle Ages
Suggested Grades: 6th-8th Grade
Prerequisites: None.
In this class, your child will learn about the Middle Ages. The lives of Attila the Hun, Alfred the Great, The Cid, Robert Bruce, Marco Polo, Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Gutenberg and many more are told in Famous Men of Middle Ages.
Children will read the designated chapter at home before class and then we work through the comprehension questions in class.
Children will work through the workbook which includes famous quotes, vocabulary, timelines, and maps at home after class.
Although it is not mandatory, we do encourage a bit of review work with Quizlet. We provide a Quizlet link to the proper sets.
There is also a review week after each 5 or so lessons in which the kids get to play History Jeopardy for review before taking a test at the end of that week (if parents desire to test their child).
In additional to all of this, we also provide an additional reading list that we feel helps reinforce each lesson. These are typically wonderful "living books" that correspond to the era of history that the kids are currently learning.