Sunday, March 7, 2021

Latina Christiana

Latina Christiana

Suggested Grades: 4th-5th grade (can take some 6th graders)

Years offered (alternates): 2022-2023 & 2024-2025

While Latina Christiana is a true into to Latin, this is where Latin really starts to take off for the kids. Vocabulary lists will increase and students will begin declensions, conjugations, and translations.

Latina Christiana is recommended for grades 4th-5th but we do on occasion have a new to Latin 6th grader.

Magistra Brittany (magistra means teacher in Latin) will teach the students each week: reviewing old vocabulary, teaching the new vocabulary, connecting Latin words to their derivatives, explaining the Latin grammar and the declensions and conjugations. 

We provide a suggested "homework" lesson plan to help your child stay on track with their Latin. This includes which days to do their workbook pages and when to review their vocabulary. 

Each week there is a quiz which is recommended but is up to the parents on if they wish to quiz their child. 

After every 5 lessons, there is a review week. In class, the kids plan Latin Jeopard and at home they have review worksheets to do as well as a test at the end of the week.

There is no prerequisite for this class. It's a great intro to Latin class.